Musings from a Cosmology of Light #40: Necessary Conditions for World Peace

The creation of World Peace is clearly a formidable task and if we were to frame the task in terms of complex adaptive systems (CAS) theory, we could take the quintuple-layered Human-Based Complex Adaptive System as a starting point.
In such a framing the primary layer is due to the human light-based quadrality. This is so because the vicissitudes of human choice can easily set up a number of destructive feedback loops with adjacent layers. The default action can always originate from a fourth quantization impetus, where rather than opening to higher layers of Light, the thought-will-feeling-sensation human light-based quadrality consistently reinforces short-sightedness and destructive dynamics that chip away at the fourfold integrity of the other layers.
Hence, the foundational fourfold living-cell layer that has naturally emerged through billions of years of evolution, and is programmed with sophisticated defense mechanisms to counter a vast range of negative circumstances, can get compromised due to lifestyle choices, become progressively acidic, and trigger irregular cell behavior or even cell death.

But this is by no means inevitable. If other quantization is tapped into then a constructive feedback loop between the layer of foundational living cells and the human-layer can be put into place, and rather than weakness being the outcome of human action, strength, flexibility, resilience can become the natural outcome. If humans were to go this route, then a different kind of natural adaptation at the cellular level would mean that negative environmental influences, whether due to electromagnetic or chemical pollution, or due to unexpected strains of viruses, amongst other perceived negative possibilities, could lose their debilitating power, and this would set in place a necessary condition to enable personal peace, that is itself a necessary condition for World Peace.
If the right quantization were in place, then different feedback loops would exist between natural environments and humans, and instead of destroying the very ecosystem services our lives depend on — ranging from water and air purification; food and raw materials generation; construction of genetic resources, biogenic materials, and medicinal resources; creation of energy, climate regulation, and carbon sequestration; waste decomposition and regulation; disease control; amongst many other such services — these would thrive and also create a necessary condition for World Peace.

Such ecosystem services also create rich work possibilities and can become a more deliberate and important part of industry in all parts of the world, enabling global economic life in a holistic way driven by the wiser rhythms of Nature. Instead, we have lost balance, and now often strip down the wealth of forests, and in a sleight of accounting think we have grown richer by equating the weight of the dead wood to money. This brings us to the often destructive feedback loops involving culture, whether at the corporate, social, economic, or political areas, also due to the invoking of the dark quantization when as human beings we continue to act from smallness.
If instead, we allowed the richness of the fourfold properties of Light to continue to manifest, then balanced environments driven by knowledge power, service, and harmony, would create richer cultural realities.

Knowledge perhaps would manifest as a seeking for deeper truths, a mindset of seeing things from multiple points of view, an essential drive toward a synthesis of possibilities. Power perhaps would manifest as a sense of adventure, of energetically driving toward new possibilities, of leadership, courage, of an innate sense of justice always protecting that or those who are weaker. Service would awaken a sense in which no endeavor is ever thought of as impossible, where there is a dedication to the task at hand, a deep sense of humility, persistence, attention to detail, of losing of one’s personal desire in the work to be done, of having no expectation of reward, amongst other possibilities. Harmony would engender recognition that many parts need to come together in work, deeper respect for others based on who they are and not who you want them to be, and a sense that obstacles are opportunities to further ground the potential in Light, amongst other possibilities.
The reinforcing loop between this layer of culture and the human would create environments where higher quantization is naturally invoked, thereby also creating a necessary condition for World Peace.
The fifth layer has to do with the development of civilization so that countries and global regions are allowed to be unique and in such a way that their primary emergence contributes to a collective distribution across all four essential sources of innovation deriving from Light’s fourfold properties.
Today’s set of feedback loops emanating from a fossilized view of possibility at the human light-based quadrality level instead sets in place the contrary and forces regions of the world to “develop” along certain lines only. Invoking higher quantization would mean that based on emergent uniqueness, there must be open and healthy interaction amongst national or regional centers of uniqueness. Practically this means that one single point of view, no matter how it may have benefitted a single country, can never become the sole blueprint for sustainable global development. Countries and regions of the world will have to follow their own genius. This would put in place another necessary condition for World Peace.

The dynamics of complex adaptive systems are such that even small parts can have a profound influence on systemic reality as a whole. Individuals, consistently invoking higher quantization to even open to the native reality of Light, can become the drivers of extraordinary change and usher in the reality of the prerequisite conditions.
These conditions, emanating from different layers of light-based quadralities, acting in concert and constructively reinforcing each other, would move us closer to a reality of World Peace
Let us hope that in 2021 this is indeed what is done.