Musings from a Cosmology of Light #39: The Human-Based Complex Adaptive System
In the Basis of Complex Adaptive Systems, the case was made that it is the layering of light-based quadralities that in fact creates the phenomenon of complexity. This is due to the fact that agents in any particular layer can now not only interact and influence agents in their own layer but in adjacent layers as well. The resultant and unexpected feedback loops are the cornerstone of complexity.
When considering human-based complex adaptive systems (CAS), there are several layers that create the complexity and the dynamics that CAS is known for.
There is of course the layer due to the human light-based quadrality. But then there are also a couple of foundational layers due to the fourfold living-cell that is the basis of all life, and the containing natural environment with its plants, animals, and the plethora of built-up ecosystem services as referred to in A Garden of Eden in the Fourfold Scaffolding, Additionally, there are also the layers that come into being due to efforts to create culture, — whether in corporate, social, economic, or political realms — and to further organize civilization at the national and international levels as referred to in Toward a Comity of Nations.
Human-based CAS is therefore practically a result of the interaction of at least five light-based quadrality layers.
While light-based quadralities, as an emergence from the infinite potential resident in Light’s native state, seek naturally to materialize a greater fourfold richness, this trend is easily compromised in human-based CAS due to the vicissitudes of human choice.
Such choice, often based on a narrow and short-term conception of self, causes unforeseen feedback loops between layers, creating a reversal of the growth of fourfoldness in and across layers. Formidable global problems such as systemic pollution, Climate Change, COVID-19, financial recessions, lack of inclusive growth, unresolved human illness, resource depletion, biodiversity loss, urban sprawl, to mention a few, arise in its wake.
Instead then, of seeing the real problem of the depletion of fourfoldness, we often put in place short-sighted fixes local to a layer, which in turn spawns a whole new set of unforeseen feedback loops. What is needed is a clear movement away from the limitations of the fourth quantization, a clear understanding of the power of Light and the effect of the appropriate quantization, and an invoking of higher quantization or more holistic choice at the human-level.