The Mythology in a Cosmology of Light #30: The Veritable Creators of History

Pravir Malik
2 min readSep 13, 2022



Earth-Flame’s Ode to Infinity is justified. For, Earth is going to be the place where the great cosmic drama is determined. Perhaps this has always been the case. Perhaps in previous earth-episodes, the play of personalities led to pralayas.

But now all is different. She has come now in a way that is different. She has been called by Him. But He in his material aspect. That call means that there is the possibility of the entire cosmos participating in a material transformation. Otherwise, there would have been no need for them to come in material form.

But they have been present on earth since time immemorial. Their presence has been in forms historical and decisive — and that has to be the case.

Of the nature of Light, endowed with the destiny of Light, compelled to materialize its infinity in visible form so that all wonder that exists in infinity can express itself in creations of unending wonder, they have had to navigate possibility and push circumstance in alignment with Destiny of Light, so that that which can be, must be.

They have been the veritable creators of history, past, and future.

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