Musings from a Cosmology of Light #42: Insight Into Schrodinger’s Wave Equation

Pravir Malik
3 min readJan 25, 2021


Schrodinger’s Wave Equation

In a Cosmology of Light, any kind of materialization is the result of a persistent quantum-level computation. This persistent computation can be thought of as an arbitration involving information from multiple layers of Light.

Such arbitration as suggested in the posts in this series creates Matter or materializes the information that exists in Light’s native state, in the layer where light travels at speed ‘c’. The process of such materialization therefore must provide insight into Schrodinger’s Wave Equation, that after all is nothing other than a depiction of matter as a wave.

Considering the left-hand side of Schrodinger’s Wave Equation:

  1. As discussed in The ‘Imaginary’ at the Heart of Mathematical Reality, ‘i’, the square root of -1, is considered to be imaginary and connects an imaginary plane with the real plane. In other words, ‘i’ can be thought of as connecting the antecedent layers of Light, to the layer of light where it does travel at speed ‘c’.
  2. In Bounds of Existence, the case is made that just as light traveling at speed ‘c’ is an intentionality and sets an upper bound to material existence, so too ‘h’ or Planck’s Constant, inversely proportional to ‘c’, sets a lower bound and mathematically suggests how quanta will materialize. So, if light were to travel faster than c, thereby increasing the upper bound in that layer of existence, then the lower bound ‘h’, will have to correspondingly become smaller. But this is precisely what we see in Schrodinger’s Wave Equation above, where ‘h’ is divided by ‘2 x pie’, to make it smaller, implying too that the ‘wave’ in the equation also exists in a layer other than the one defined by light traveling at ‘c’ only:

3. Finally, the rate of change of the wavefunction, is only another way of suggesting that there is a persistent quantum-level computation or arbitration involving all the layers of Light.

Matter, hence, can be thought of as the product of all three of the actions captured by the left-hand side of Schrodinger’s Wave Equation.

Further, considering the two terms on the right-hand side of Schrodinger’s Wave Function:

  1. The Hamiltonian Operator captures the active energies involved in the arbitration.
  2. The Wavefunction, subject to the energies summarized by the Hamiltonian Operator, will create the next iteration of Matter.

While the terms on the left-hand side can easily be seen to be emergent from a Cosmology of Light model, the terms of the right-hand side appear to be more general, summarizing energy states, rather than underlying ontology.

Feynman (left) & Schrodinger (right)

Richard Feynman is known to have said that there is no way that Schrodinger could have derived such an equation — it must have come straight out of his head. On the contrary, this series of blogs suggest a framework from which an equation like Schrodinger’s Wave Equation could indeed have emerged.

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