Musings from a Cosmology of Light #4: Light at c is an Intentionality
In the previous musing we explored quanta as the device by which information in Light at its native state, is materialized in slower moving layers of light.
This information is infinitely diverse, embodying as it were, the infinite potential implied by Light’s properties of all-presence, all-power, all-knowledge, and all-harmony.
This density of infinite potential can project something of itself at slower speeds of light and in the process create another fourfold reality in which the infinitely subtle, precipitates into some materialized form of itself.
When light projects itself at speed c, this is an intentionality to engender a particular type of materialization and a particular type of reality: there really is no need for light to project itself at speed c, unless there is a particular kind of reality that would be engendered as a result.
There really is no need for light to project itself at speed c, unless there is a particular kind of reality that would be engendered as a result
Light at c creates a medium as it were, in which a material adventure or manifestation can take place. Light at c is the constant, the root and fountainhead of many material constants, that allows life and further complexity to emerge.