Foundations for Future Technology Development

Pravir Malik
5 min readOct 2, 2021


What happens at the quantum level is fundamentally important in envisioning possibilities for the future development of technology.

If the quantum realm, as suggested by the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, is simply a random play of emergence and disappearance of quantum-objects subject to superposition and entanglement, then we have no choice but to use probability and statistics to derive knowledge of quantum dynamics. Such knowledge will by definition be incomplete and is going to give the world one view of quantum fundamentals, and suggest, as it has today, a corresponding trajectory of technology development.

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If on the other hand, as I have argued in The Emperor’s Quantum Computer, and in numerous IEEE papers, that quanta are a bridge mechanism between information in Light traveling faster than c and the materialization of that information in the layer of reality defined by speed c, and that therefore the emergence of quantum-objects is not just random but a shadow thrown by such antecedent order, and that further the quantum realm is replete with fourfold patterns yet to be recognized and acknowledged, this is going to give the world an entirely different trajectory of technology development. By the way, such fourfoldness is the basis of what I propose to be a Quaternary Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics.

…the quantum realm replete with fourfold patterns yet to be recognized and acknowledged, is going to give the world an entirely different trajectory of technology development

For in the Quaternary Interpretation genetics and genetic-type information become the output of persistent quantum-level computation, and this implies that every act of such naturally occurring quantum computation and the possibilities of any human-designed quantum computation, must be of a fundamentally different order as compared to digitally-based computation. Such genetic-type information, as suggested in Origins and Possibilities of Genetics, defines the emergence of any phenomena — from the electromagnetic spectrum through quantum particles through molecular plans in cell and beyond— and is written in a fourfold space-time-energy-gravity script, the fundamental language of the Quaternary Interpretation. Phenomenon such as genetic mutation has to be considered as the output of the continual arbitration between several distinct sources of information, and insight on what information “wins” is provided by the space-time-energy-gravity script that any such change is written in.

In filtering quantum-level phenomena through the lens of the Copenhagen Interpretation though, there is already a level of separation from what is really happening. This creates fragmentation in the understanding of how reality may be parceled out. Such fragmentation grows, in not further considering the possibility of the continual generation of genetic-type information. Such escalating layers of separation and fragmentation means that any technology developed has a much greater likelihood of creating unforeseen collateral costs, due to becoming increasingly out of synch with the incredible amount of order and intelligence that already exists in the simplest of things.

This may not at first be apparent, but becomes more so as we consider the dark side of AI manifest today. In The Second Singularity I mathematically frame the limits of such fragmented AI, and contrast it with developments that would proceed from more holistically designed technologies that considered the “logic” of possibility proceeding from a Quaternary Interpreted quantum realm in which genetic-type information is a natural output. Needless to say, in learning to synch with such deep-nature some technological developments would proceed very differently, revealing unexpected possibilities, while some would more naturally and quickly be stopped in their tracks. Such an approach would be similar — though of a deeper nature — to the already growing cradle-to-cradle design approach that is beginning to animate manufacturing in an increasing number of domains.

The fact is that the quantum realm is the bottom layer in a fundamental technology stack that will become increasingly important in the coming decades. We already see how genetics can be stacked on the quantum realm, and in turn how AI — the output of processing and information — will be increasingly stacked on quantum computation and genetics.

The fact is that the quantum realm is the bottom layer in a fundamental technology stack that will become increasingly important in the coming decades

But such stacking is already true of transhumanism — that endeavor to transcend human limits — which relies on computation, genetics, and AI. Triumph of Love suggests an approach to transcendence offered by a light-based framing of quantum computation, genetics, and “AI”. Transhumanism becomes fundamentally important because of the increasing layers of fragmentation that can potentially set in depending on which trajectory of development is pursued. While a Copenhagen Interpretation based trajectory of development may seem like the path to go down, especially given the apparent immediacy in the thrust toward space travel and the stated goal of the colonization of other worlds, the collateral costs will likely be exceedingly high. If the Quaternary Interpretation based trajectory of development is pursued instead, then something entirely different can ensue with Nature itself opening more of her astounding secrets to us.

In an endorsement of the trajectory of development based on light, I have initiated a design of a radical atom-denominated quantum computer (RADQC) that interprets quantum-level phenomenon differently. A successful prototype would act as a new “microscope” allowing us to read the quantum-realm differently. As can be imagined this simple device would have profound effects on all stages of technology that build on it.

A successful prototype would act as a new “microscope” allowing us to read the quantum-realm differently

The framing of such technology is what I have attempted through the writing of the four books briefly alluded to in this post. These books will contribute to a foundation for an entirely different approach to the development of technology.



Pravir Malik
Pravir Malik

Written by Pravir Malik

A view of the world through light and fractals

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