Triumph of Love
Broadly speaking transhumanism refers to a philosophy whose focus is to move beyond current human limits. This book suggests an approach to transhumanism based on a perception of Light elaborated in the previous nine books in the Cosmology of Light book series.
In this perception light is envisioned as existing at different constant speeds. We know that in our physical universe light travels at a constant speed referred to as ‘c’, of 186,000 miles per second. This has a concrete bearing on how we experience time and space, and on how matter arises, and in a Cosmology of Light it can be said that light at c is an intentionality to filter infinite potentiality from Light’s native state of traveling infinitely fast, so life can arise in a particular way.
So, imagine light traveling infinitely fast. This would suggest another reality packed with infinite possibility due to Light’s omnipresence, omnipotence, omniscience, and omninurturing fourfoldness. Omnipresence, because Light would be instantaneously present in whatever volume considered. Omnipotence, because anything not of the nature of light will be overcome by it. Omniscience, because light being everywhere will know what arises or disappears in it. Omninurturing, because all would exist in one nature and be bound by it.
As the previous books have elaborated, and as this book will adequately summarize, a cosmology arises when we consider the simultaneous and interpenetrating realities created when Light exists at multiple constant speeds simultaneously. The dynamics and information resident in each of these simultaneous realities is arbitrated into material reality through a constant and persistent quantum-level computation that generates genetic-type information that effectively becomes “law”. Quanta in such a cosmology is perceived as being the mechanism by which information in faster-moving layers of light is materialized in a slower-moving layer of light. “Law” manifests as quadrumvirate mechanisms such as space-time-energy-gravity, the electro-magnetic-wavearchetype-masspotential spectrum, quark-lepton-boson-Higgsboson particles, ‘s’shell-‘p’shell’-‘d’shell-‘f’shell atoms, nucleicacid-lipid-protein-polysaccharide cells, amongst other mechanisms, that derive their ability to “become” based on the native “being” of Light’s omnipresent-omnipotent-omniscient-omninurturing fourfoldness. It may even be said that such “becomings” resulting in quadrumvirate-based law, reveal essential “beings”. Hence a being or a particular kind of taxonomic classification akin to the species-genus-family-order-class-phylum-kingdom-domain as in the hierarchy of life, is revealed with successful becoming. Plate 1, that follows shortly, summarizes such a classification by way of a contemplative map of being. Hence Light in its native state, traveling with infinite speed, may be thought of as sitting at the top of such a taxonomic hierarchy generating light-based domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, and so on.
But, such fourfoldness that manifests as effective law, or through the becoming involving persistent quantum-level computation that reveals a being, is none other than a triumph of love. For it is only the power of love, of that innate need to maintain the integrality of light’s fourfoldness even as it continues to materialize, that can be the foundation of a sustainable becoming. The more powerful such love, so that in any materialization there is integration not only of the fourfoldness of Light’s implicit properties, but also of an integration of the many layers of light existing at different speeds, the more fully will a becoming be founded on completeness of potentiality in light to itself become a being capable of engendering light-based life. Hence, as will be suggested in this book, not only does a particular ‘type’ of being engender vast variation within that type, but further, beings can combine with beings, which is essentially an act of love, to create more comprehensive beings resulting in all the complexity of life. Life itself will be seen to originate in the native state of Light, adding function and variation as light precipitates into more and more material reality emerging as a fullness of life.
At the base of all possible variation and advancement in being, becoming, and life, is the ability to influence the process of the persistent quantum-level computation so that there is a more complete horizontal and vertical integration of Light — a more complete light-based-singularity as it were — and therefore of the output of genetic-type information and consequently of laws that are active in a being’s becoming. This is what is considered to be the basis of a system or framework of transhumanism in a cosmology of light.
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