Musings from a Cosmology of Light #8: From Unity to Diversity

Pravir Malik
2 min readJun 27, 2020


It is proposed that at Light’s native state, where it travels infinitely fast, properties of all-presence, all-power, all-knowledge, and all-harmony are ways in which we may grasp something of its essential unity.

And yet what we experience here in this material world, that has arisen where light travels at c (186,000 miles per second in vacuum), is an immense diversity. No two entities — snowflakes, thumb-prints, leaves, persons, ad infinitum — are the same.

So, how does that essential unity become infinite diversity? Mathematically, this would take place via two transformations.

First, where each of the four properties of Presence, Power, Knowledge, and Harmony reveals many shades that are slight variations on the essential property. In other words, Presence becomes a very large set of elements related to ‘presence’, Knowledge becomes a very large set of elements related to ‘knowledge’, Power become a very large set of elements related to ‘power’, and Harmony becomes a very large set of elements related to ‘harmony’.

Second, elements from these four sets of practically infinite elements each, combine together in unique combinations to create the infinite seeds of diversity.

These seeds in turn materialize through quanta, which as suggested in Quanta and the big bang, is nothing other than a mechanism to materialize the infinite information that exists in Light.

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