Musings from a Cosmology of Light #5: The Emergence of Time and Matter
We know it takes approximately eight minutes for light from the sun to reach earth. Imagine you are on a ray of light and half-way through that journey. As you look back you realize that four minutes ago you were at the sun. as you look forward you realize that in four minutes you are going to be at the earth.
Hence, the experience of past, present, and future arise because of the way light is traveling. By contrast if light were traveling infinitely fast, as it is proposed it is in its native state, then everything would be experienced in the Now.
The experience of past, present, and future arise because of the way light is traveling
So, three fundamental properties of our experience of reality arises due to the way light is traveling. But further, matter too arises because of the way light is traveling. As suggested in the musing on the big bang, this occurs when light is projected at c, and is due to the bridge-quanta precipitating vast amounts of information as matter.
Hence the intentionality of light traveling at c is such that it gives rise to past, present, future, and matter.
This significant light-based quadrality — past-present-future-matter — hence, emerges from Light itself.