Musings from a Cosmology of Light #15: The Origin and Possibilities of Genetics
Any process of computation involves inputs, processing, and outputs. The creative basis of quantum computation central to a Cosmology of Light similarly involves inputs, processing, and outputs. The inputs derive from information specific to a layer of light, the processing leverages triple-quantization, and the output is genetic-type information. In a Cosmology of Light this information in faster-moving layers of light is the source of all genetics.
Information in faster-moving layers of light is the source of all genetics
This genetic-type information is different in each layer of Light. In Light’s native state the genetic-type information has to do with management of infinite possibility across the block-aspect of Light. In Light’s field-aspect the genetic-type information has to do with the four practically infinite-size sets structured around the essential properties of Light. In Light’s wave-aspect the information has to do with the potentially infinite unique seeds that drive the materialization of physical matter.
Light’s particle-aspect is instrumental in the creation of the material building-blocks that contribute to genes. The quantum arbitration that brings the particles into being relies on the three types of genetic-type information in Light’s antecedent block, field, and wave aspects, both overtly and subtly. Overtly, through the direct influence of layer-specific genetic-type information. Subtly, through the process of entanglement and superposition.
The infinite potential resident in Light’s native state, the reality of triple-quantization and persistent cosmic-level quantum computation, implies that while there may be tendencies, nothing, even genes, are ever fixed.
Change can be brought about by invoking Light. The deeper the invocation the more significant will the change likely be.