Minimum Viable Quantum Computational Whole — II

Pravir Malik
3 min readAug 12, 2023



In Minimum Viable Quantum Computational Whole — 1, it was suggested that the double-slit experiment draws attention to a minimum viable quantum computational whole represented by F(X) that presides over its space-time embodiment manifest as interference patterns where each strand in the pattern gives insight into a sub-function, f(x), that originates in F(X).

Further, in decomposing and recomposing F(X) through probability and statistics, based on an assumption that Nature, too, is probabilistic and operates the same way, the point was made that F(X) is lost, and what we end up with instead is q(F(X)) which is nothing other than some empty rendering where the quantum computational whole has evaded us.

In this post, I focus on what it is that has evaded us by engaging in a thought experiment that constructs a world based on the whole that surfaces in the double-slit experiment.

  • In this world, each photon that originates in the quantum computational whole, F(X), is, in reality, bringing forth or carrying something of F(X).
  • F(X) can be thought of as having unique and distinct quantum properties, represented by the set:
  • Each photon, then, can be thought of as being related to or derived from one of the elements in the set so that when it hits the screen behind the double-slit, it takes on the form f(x), where x is related to one of the elements that derive from F(X). In this thought experiment, then, each of the strands highlights a unique aspect of F(X). The strand/set will practically consist of up to infinite photons that each highlight some subtle variation or nuance related to the strand/property/set it belongs to.
  • Imagine now that the layer consisting of f(x) is the base layer in this double-slit world. It manifests something of F(X), but F(X), as an unseizable whole, has a lot more to it. F(X) wants to push forward more of what it is, and so through a process of combination, creates seeds leveraging the material forms of f(x) that become the basis for something else of itself to manifest as a second layer based on the new partial-whole, g(x):
  • This process continues with many layers surfacing, each capturing more of F(X) but never the entirety of what F(X) is. In this way, all varieties of form and property can combine to create a world built from the quantum whole.

In such a world, the only way to begin to make sense of the quantum computational whole is to, in fact, realize that it exists and use instrumentation based on f(x), g(x), or r(x), where ‘r’ is some evolving functional form in the possibly endless journey that continues to express something more of F(X).

This implies a different quantum computational architecture honed in on perceiving quantum properties and their dynamics through logic, mathematics, and gate structure based on r(x). By contrast, what we seem to be doing with manufactured qubits, is focusing on a reduction that a priori, can never capture the minimum viable quantum computational whole of which any r(x) is an expression.

(To be continued…)

Minimum Viable Quantum Computational Whole — III

Index to Cosmology of Light Links

